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Pokémon GO Raid Boss Schedule for September 2024

Published:2024-09-02 14:48:54Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

September 2024 is packed with thrilling Raid Boss encounters in Pokémon GO, including the much-anticipated return of Zacian from the Galar region, who will make its debut as a Shiny Pokémon. This month also introduces a brand-new type of Raid Battle, featuring Dynamax Pokémon for the first time ever in the game.

Raid Battles are a crucial part of the Pokémon GO experience, allowing Trainers to join forces to battle and capture rare Legendary Pokémon. Mega Raids provide the opportunity to collect Mega Energy, which is necessary to Mega-Evolve your Pokémon. With the introduction of Max Battles in September, there are even more exciting reasons to participate in Raids this month.

5-Star Raid Bosses for September 2024

Pokémon GO Raid Boss Schedule for September 2024

Throughout September, Trainers can challenge Kyogre, Groudon, and Zacian in 5-Star Raid Battles. While Kyogre and Groudon have become common raid bosses, Zacian has not been available since 2022, making this a valuable chance for Trainers to catch one if they missed out before.

Below is a schedule listing the dates these 5-Star Raid Bosses will be available in Pokémon GO, along with their weaknesses:




September 3 - September 14


- Electric

- Grass

September 14 - September 26


- Grass

- Ice

- Water

September 26 - October 4


- Poison

- Steel

For tackling Kyogre and Groudon, Kartana with its Grass-type moves is your best bet, backed up by Pokémon like Zarude, Shaymin, Roserade, Tsareena, Chesnaught, Decidueye, and Venusaur. When facing Zacian, focus on powerful Poison-types like Nihilego, Naganadel, and Overqwil, or strong Steel-types such as Dialga, Metagross, and Excadrill.

All three 5-Star Raid Bosses have the potential to be Shiny, including Zacian, which makes its Shiny debut this month. Although the odds of encountering a Shiny Pokémon are low, dedicated Shiny hunters might find it worthwhile to give it a try.

Mega Raid Bosses for September 2024

Pokémon GO Raid Boss Schedule for September 2024

This month, Trainers can battle Mega Absol, Mega Houndoom, and Mega Gardevoir in Mega Raid Battles. Each of these Pokémon is a formidable attacker within its type category, so it's a good idea to stock up on their Mega Energy while they're available. Remember, these Mega Raid Bosses are quite powerful, so it’s best to team up with other Trainers.

The schedule below details when these Mega Raid Bosses will be featured in Pokémon GO and their weaknesses:




September 3 - September 14

Mega Absol

- Bug

- Fairy

- Fighting

September 14 - September 26

Mega Houndoom

- Fighting

- Ground

- Rock

- Water

September 26 - October 4

Mega Gardevoir

- Ghost

- Poison

- Steel

Mega Absol and Mega Houndoom can both be effectively countered by Fighting-types like Terrakion, Cobalion, Machamp, Hariyama, and Breloom. To defeat Mega Gardevoir, consider using Steel-types such as Dialga, Metagross, and Excadrill, along with strong Poison-types like Nihilego, Naganadel, and Overqwil, or Ghost-types such as Giratina, Gengar, and Chandelure.

Dynamax Raid Bosses for September 2024

Pokémon GO Raid Boss Schedule for September 2024

In a first for Pokémon GO, Trainers will be able to battle Dynamax Pokémon in Max Battles this September. These special Raid Bosses will appear at Power Spots, which will pop up randomly on the map throughout the month. While these battles will operate differently from standard Raids, more details are expected soon.

From September 10 to October 1, 2024, the following Dynamax Pokémon will be featured in Max Battles at Power Spots:

- Dynamax Bulbasaur

- Dynamax Charmander

- Dynamax Squirtle

- Dynamax Skwovet

- Dynamax Wooloo

After defeating Dynamax Pokémon in Max Battles, Trainers will have the chance to catch them. These Pokémon, along with their evolutions like Blastoise and Charizard, will also be able to Dynamax in future Max Battles, although they won’t have this ability in regular Raids.

Additional Raids and Events

In addition to the 5-Star, Mega, and Max Raids, there will be a variety of rotating 1-Star and 3-Star Raid Bosses themed around different events throughout September. Trainers can also participate in special Shadow Raids to battle Shadow Raikou on weekends. With so many exciting Raid Bosses and events lined up, September is shaping up to be a fantastic month for Pokémon GO players.

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