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Deadlock: Haze Hero Guide

Published:2024-09-19 15:34:06Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

In Deadlock, players can experiment with a wide variety of playstyles, but few choose to master Haze, a hero known for her low health, limited ammo, and underwhelming early-game damage. However, for those with quick reflexes and sharp tactics, Haze has the potential to decimate an entire enemy squad—one target at a time.

Deadlock: Haze Hero Guide

Her agile skill set and formidable late-game damage make her an excellent choice, but players must be selective with the items they purchase and the abilities they upgrade. While her kit can be tricky to master, those who unlock her full potential can become nearly unstoppable on the battlefield.

Note: Since the game is still in development, expect future balance changes and improvements.

Haze Overview

Haze stands out as one of the fastest heroes in Deadlock, making her perfect for players who prioritize agility over raw power. Initially, her 80 damage per second (DPS) may seem underwhelming, and her weapon's ammo capacity isn’t much better. With a max health of 500 and only 25 ammo, she faces some early challenges.

That’s why players must be strategic when selecting their targets. Haze’s abilities grow stronger over time, so she may feel weak in the early game. However, once her abilities are fully synergized, her enhanced mobility can catch enemies off-guard and shift the game in her favor.

Deadlock: Haze Hero Guide

Haze’s Abilities

One of Haze's most critical abilities, Sleep Dagger, challenges your accuracy throughout the game. If you can land a precise hit, it stuns the enemy for a duration. This ability shines when you’re looking to be aggressive, providing a tactical edge in fights.

On the other hand, Fixation gives you a passive boost to weapon damage, so you don’t need to activate it constantly. It’s a straightforward investment, significantly increasing your base damage. Since most of your points will go into this ability, consider your other ability choices carefully.

Smoke Bomb is a versatile tool that lets you turn invisible for a short period, allowing you to escape dangerous situations or set up a kill. It’s most effective when used offensively, providing a speed boost as you move in for the kill.

Bullet Dance might look flashy, but like most area-of-effect (AOE) abilities in Deadlock, you need to stay aware of your surroundings. Activating a Smoke Bomb before using Bullet Dance can help when facing multiple enemies. Ultimately, Haze’s abilities perform best when paired with the right items. Without them, it’s easy to misjudge her potential.

Make sure to purchase Unstoppable from the shop—it works seamlessly with Bullet Dance.

Deadlock: Haze Hero Guide

Best Upgrades and Builds for Haze

Maximizing Haze’s stealth abilities requires a solid early-game strategy. Focus on getting the most out of your weapon early on, as her base damage and limited ammo capacity can be a hindrance. Investing in items that improve ammo and reload speed is a smart move.

This strategy remains crucial until mid-game, at which point you should shift your focus to enhancing her movement and stealth abilities. Upgrading these skills will allow you to farm souls more efficiently, making you better prepared for upcoming fights.

As the game progresses into the late stages, Haze's strength lies in her Spirit damage and base damage output. Though her health remains low, her abilities become deadly, especially in team fights. Equip items that allow you to use Bullet Dance effectively during battles while also supporting her base damage and mobility. Consider picking up situational items that fit well with her overall kit.

Key Items:

- Ammo Scavenger: Gain ammo and stack Spirit Power whenever you collect or deny a soul. This is crucial for efficient farming.

- Healing Rite: Boosts health regeneration and movement speed—beneficial for both you and your allies.

- Duration Extender: Increases the duration of your abilities and items.

- Soul Rebirth: Upon death, respawn at the same location with some health after four seconds.

Items like Ricochet and Lucky Shot are perfect complements to Haze’s ultimate ability, Bullet Dance.

Deadlock: Haze Hero Guide

Playstyle Strategy

Haze can be played in two ways: either focusing on farming resources early or harassing opponents to disrupt their game. The former is ideal for solo players, while the latter works well in teams when you can count on reliable backup.

Using Sleep Dagger for the Kill

Haze’s Sleep Dagger is a key tool for players, offering a confidence boost before securing a kill. It’s also great for finishing off weakened enemies. However, due to its cooldown, use it strategically when the moment is right.

Smoke Bomb for Stealth

If you love stealth mechanics, Smoke Bomb will be a favorite. It grants Haze a huge tactical advantage, enabling you to plan your attacks more effectively. Use it before switching lanes, engaging a boss, or going in for a kill.

Fixation for Damage Output

When paired with Bullet Dance, Fixation significantly boosts Haze’s damage output. Don’t hesitate to invest in this ability early, as it gradually increases your Spirit damage, making Haze a powerful force as the game progresses.

Though Haze can rack up kills as her damage improves, her low health remains a vulnerability. Always assess whether the reward of securing a kill is worth the risk.

Bullet Dance for Flanking

Haze shines brightest when using her stealthy nature to flank enemies. By activating Smoke Bomb and sneaking up on the opposing team, you can catch them off-guard. Once they feel secure, unleash Bullet Dance to deal maximum damage—they won’t know what hit them.

Even if you fail to execute the plan perfectly, having Soul Rebirth can quickly bring you back into the fight, ready for round two.

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