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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - Unlocking the Culinary Delight Achievement

Published:2024-10-30 16:14:43Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

Despite the grim setting of Terminus Island in Black Ops 6 Zombies, operators can take a break from battling decaying zombies and swarming parasites to earn the Culinary Delight achievement—a hidden, lighthearted quest to cook up an unusual fish dish. Though this achievement doesn’t come with special powers or unique gear, it’s a rare and quirky trophy that players can proudly showcase.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to gathering all the unusual ingredients you’ll need for this dish and earning the Culinary Delight achievement.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - Unlocking the Culinary Delight Achievement

Step 1: Catch a Fish

First, you’ll need to catch a fish to start your culinary adventure. Head over to the docks beneath the Sea Tower, where you’ll find an ideal fishing spot. Instead of traditional bait, throw any explosive device, like a grenade, into the water. When it detonates, a few fish should float to the surface. Jump in, interact with one to “catch” it, and it’ll register in your inventory.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - Unlocking the Culinary Delight Achievement

Step 2: Gather All Secret Ingredients

Now that you have your fish, it’s time to track down six unique ingredients scattered around Terminus Island. Each adds its own peculiar flavor to this one-of-a-kind dish. Here’s where to find each ingredient:

- Salt: Check the top of the fridge on the upper level of the Living Quarters.

- Battery: Inside Engineering, locate the central desk where the Battery is placed.

- Brain: Head to the Bio Labs by the Sea Caves, near the Tentacle Trap. You’ll find the Brain on a nearby lab station.

- Eggplant: In the Mess Hall, look around the wooden pinboard for the Eggplant.

- Can of Beans: Also in the Mess Hall, spot the Can of Beans between wooden crates on the left side.

- Cooking Oil: Found in the Mess Hall as well, look on the middle shelf by the stoves and ovens in the front right corner.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - Unlocking the Culinary Delight Achievement

Step 3: Cook the Fish and Unlock the Achievement

With all ingredients in hand, make your way to the Mess Hall, where you’ll find a pan on the stove next to the deep fryers. Start by interacting with the pan to add the Cooking Oil, then add the Fish. Continue pressing the interact button to drop in each of the six bizarre ingredients. As they combine, the pan will erupt in a strange blue and green flame.

Keep interacting until your Culinary Delight achievement is unlocked, adding this unique trophy to your collection.

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