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New World of Warcraft Toy Turns Fear into Fun

Published:2024-09-30 17:10:08Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

In World of Warcraft: The War Within, a newly introduced toy called the Arachnophile Spectacles offers a quirky twist for players who aren’t afraid of spiders. This unique item transforms NPCs and other players into various spider species, making it a nightmare for anyone with arachnophobia—but also providing a hilarious interaction with the game's Arachnophobia Mode, which swaps spiders for crabs.

New World of Warcraft Toy Turns Fear into Fun

One of the key factions in The War Within expansion is the Nerubians, a race of spider-like creatures with a variety of arachnid-inspired designs. To accommodate players who aren’t fans of creepy crawlers, World of Warcraft introduced Arachnophobia Mode, an accessibility feature that allows users to transform all spider-like entities into crabs, bugs, or other less intimidating creatures.

However, the Arachnophile Spectacles work in direct opposition to this mode. Available for purchase in Azj-Kahet, the game's fourth zone, for 1500 Kej (the currency of the Nerubian kingdom), this toy lets players turn others into a variety of spider models—from nimble jumping spiders to the classic tarantulas seen throughout the game. The effect lasts for 10 minutes, with a cooldown of 30 minutes, meaning arachnophiles can immerse themselves in spider-filled fun for a third of their gaming session.

New World of Warcraft Toy Turns Fear into Fun

How to Get the Arachnophile Spectacles in World of Warcraft: The War Within

Players can purchase the Arachnophile Spectacles from Alvus Valavulu, a Nerubian vendor specializing in jewelcrafting supplies. You’ll find him in the Umbral Bazaar, located in the northern part of the City of Threads.

What makes this toy particularly amusing is how it interacts with Arachnophobia Mode. Since this mode replaces spiders with crabs, the Arachnophile Spectacles will transform other characters into various types of crustaceans instead of spiders. These crab models can still wield weapons and tools, resulting in some delightfully absurd scenes—imagine a crab riding a dragon or horse!

New World of Warcraft Toy Turns Fear into Fun

Although the Arachnophile Spectacles won’t turn the player into a spider, those looking for that transformation can seek out the Arachnoserum toy. This item is unlocked at Renown 17 with the Severed Threads faction and costs 1750 Kej, offering players the chance to take on a spider form themselves.

For players who prefer something a bit more cuddly, the Overtuned Corgi Goggles offer an adorable alternative. These goggles, which transform characters into lovable corgis, are expected to return during World of Warcraft’s upcoming 20th-anniversary event, so keep an eye out if you missed them previously.

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