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Remnant 2: Your Ultimate Guide to Meidra’s Questions and Answers

Published:2024-09-11 15:25:40Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

In Remnant 2, players exploring the Yaesha region will encounter an NPC named Meidra. During your conversation with her, Meidra will pose a series of questions that delve into various hypothetical scenarios. The answers you choose will determine the type of reward you receive at the end of the encounter.

For those who want to ensure they receive a specific reward, this guide will help you navigate Meidra's questions and lead you toward the outcomes you're aiming for.

Remnant 2: Your Ultimate Guide to Meidra’s Questions and Answers

Remnant 2 has continued to thrive with ongoing support from both its dedicated player base and its developers. After two major DLC expansions, the third one—titled The Dark Horizon—is shaping up to be even more substantial. Among the many new NPCs added in these expansions, none quite compare to the beloved base game character, Meidra.

As one of Yaesha's forest spirits, Meidra is central to unlocking three key items: the Barkskin Trait, the Bloodstream Trait, and the Sorrow Handgun. This guide will break down how to trigger Meidra's event, what questions she might ask, and which answers will lead you to your desired rewards.

Meidra's Sorrow Event in Yaesha

Meidra’s event, known as the Sorrow World Event, can be found in the Yaesha region. You’ll easily recognize the event location by the presence of a towering magic tree, from which Meidra will emerge. Once you engage her in conversation, she’ll begin asking a series of questions. Your answers will determine which of the two Traits you’ll receive:

1. Barkskin Trait: If your responses reflect a humanitarian, selfless nature—or what’s known as the “doe-like” path—you’ll earn the Barkskin Trait. This useful Trait reduces all incoming damage by 1-10%, depending on the Trait’s level.

2. Bloodstream Trait: If you choose answers that lean toward selfishness or the "wolf-like" path, you’ll be rewarded with the Bloodstream Trait. This Trait increases the rate at which your Grey Health regenerates.

Remnant 2: Your Ultimate Guide to Meidra’s Questions and Answers

While the choices seem straightforward, some of the questions Meidra asks can be tricky, making it difficult to determine which answer aligns with the "Doe" or "Wolf" paths. To assist, we’ve compiled a list of all the possible questions she may ask, along with guidance on which answers lead to the Trait you want:


 Doe (Barkskin)

 Do you slay the warrior or leave him to whatever fate may hold?

 Leave him.

 Do you stop them or let them learn from their own mistakes?

 Stop them for their own safety.

 Do you push the stranger or risk the death of the five miners?

 Risk the death of the five miners.

 Do you poison him, or do you turn a blind eye to his plots of revenge?

 Poison him.

 Do you convict the innocent or risk your daughter's life?

 Free the innocent individual.

 Do you keep the money or call out and return it to its owner?

 Return the money.

 Do you give him what he asks?

 Refuse the god's boon.

 Do you kill your patients to find the cure, or is it better to let the illness decide?

 I will not kill knowingly

 Do you report the thief or allow the poor orphans to keep the coin?

 Report the thief and let the law decide.

 Do you give up one of your children, or face the threat of enemy soldiers?

 Risk death for us all.

 Do you take your vengeance or turn the scum over to the authorities from whom he already escaped?

 Turn him into the authorities.

 Do you save the family, or do you let the family suffer by sparing the unwilling donor?

 Spare the healthy donor.

 Do you treat with the rebels, or do you preserve the peace?

 Speak with them. Hear them out.

 Do you aid the victims or attempt to destroy the goon?

 Help the victims.

 Do you abandon your fellow hostages, or face death together?

 Face death together.

 Do you give immortality to all or only a chosen few?

 All should share in the gift.

 Do you forgive them?

 Yes, I forgive them.

 Do you save your son or your granddaughter?

 Save my granddaughter

 Do you torture your hostage or let the crowd fend for itself in the fire?

 Trust the crowd can fend for itself.

 Do you risk smothering the child to save yourself and the others?

 Risk being found.

 Do you give the king the means to kill his enemies, or do you send them away and  risk war?

 Let him kill his enemies on his own

 Do you leave the elder to his fate, or do you attempt to halt the tide at the risk of  his life?

 Leave him to his fate.

 Do you spare the scion of your family foe or kill him to end the war?

 Spare them.

 Do you abandon your mortal family or live out your days without your one true  love?

 Remain mortal without my love.

 Do you leave your eldest to the unknown or risk death in battle?

 Leave your eldest.

 Do you abandon your mortal family or live out your days without your one true  love?

 Remain mortal without my love.

 Do you leave your eldest to the unknown or risk death in battle?

 Leave your eldest.

How to Obtain the Sorrow Handgun from Meidra

Remnant 2: Your Ultimate Guide to Meidra’s Questions and Answers

Beyond the Traits, Meidra offers yet another reward: the Sorrow Handgun. After answering her questions, you’ll have the option to give Meidra the Tear of Kaeula, a ring that’s tied to Kaeula, another Yaesha spirit and Meidra’s sister.

While handing over Kaeula’s Tear may feel like a significant loss—especially early on when its bonus of increasing Relic max usage by +2 is valuable—Meidra will give you the Sorrow Handgun in return. Fortunately, the Sorrow is one of the most powerful handguns in Remnant 2, making the trade well worth it.

If you’re hesitant about losing Kaeula’s Ring, don’t worry. You can always re-roll the Yaesha realm and revisit Kaeula's Rest to reclaim the ring, allowing you to hold onto both rewards.

Final Thoughts

Navigating Meidra's questions in Remnant 2 can lead to some of the game’s most valuable rewards, including the Barkskin and Bloodstream Traits, as well as the formidable Sorrow Handgun. By understanding how your answers shape the outcomes, you can ensure that you maximize your gains from this intriguing NPC encounter.

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