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Horizon 3's Implied Premise Suggests a Shift in Side Quest Dynamics

Published:2024-09-23 09:28:21Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

The stakes in the next Horizon game are higher than ever, with Aloy facing off against a powerful and hostile AI determined to erase humanity. Instead of retreating, Aloy, much like her predecessor Elisabet Sobeck, chooses to stand and fight for the world. Fortunately, she won’t be alone—her loyal allies, including Talanah, Zo, and Erend, will be by her side as she embarks on this monumental challenge.

With such a colossal threat looming, Aloy will need to focus heavily on preparation, possibly rallying the tribes to join her cause. This could leave little room for less critical tasks, like collecting minor items—though enjoyable, they may no longer fit the scale of her mission. As a result, the next Horizon installment might see traditional collectible side quests fade into the background.

Horizon 3's Implied Premise Suggests a Shift in Side Quest Dynamics

Collectibles in the Horizon Franchise

Throughout Aloy’s journey, players have encountered various collectibles. In Horizon Zero Dawn, these included Ancient Vessels, Banuk Figures, Datapoints, Metal Flowers, Stranded Items, and Vantages. While some items, like Ancient Vessels, could be traded for useful resources, others, such as Datapoints, provided insights into the Old World. However, while fun to gather, these collectibles didn’t move the main story forward, serving more as a distraction or a break from the central narrative.

Horizon Forbidden West also featured its own set of collectibles, such as:

- Black Boxes  

- Survey Drones  

- War Totems  

- Signal Lenses  

- Vista Points  

- Relic Ruin Ornaments  

Once again, though interesting, these items didn’t play a crucial role in advancing Aloy’s mission against Nemesis. This raises the question: is it time to move away from traditional collectibles in favor of a more fitting gameplay approach?

Horizon 3's Implied Premise Suggests a Shift in Side Quest Dynamics

Collectibles: A Staple of Open-World Games

It's hard to picture an open-world game without an array of collectibles waiting to be discovered. These items often encourage players to explore every corner of the map and offer a break from the action. In the Horizon series, collectibles have also contributed to the lore, helping flesh out the game's world. However, if Horizon 3 decides to move away from this approach, it will need an alternative method to guide players toward key areas on the map.

Could Cauldrons Replace Collectibles?

The main issue with including traditional collectibles in Horizon 3 is the potential mismatch with the game’s narrative. With Aloy facing the most dangerous enemy yet, spending time collecting items like Metal Flowers might feel trivial in comparison to the existential threat posed by Nemesis.

One solution could be to focus more on Cauldrons, the mysterious facilities where machines are created. These Cauldrons could be scattered throughout the map, offering players a reason to explore while also allowing Aloy to acquire essential resources, weapons, or machines to aid in her fight. This approach could seamlessly integrate exploration with meaningful story progression, keeping the focus on preparing for the upcoming battle.

Horizon 3's Implied Premise Suggests a Shift in Side Quest Dynamics

A New Approach to Collectibles

If Guerrilla Games chooses to include collectibles in Horizon 3, they should be more closely tied to the main story, perhaps offering tangible benefits in Aloy’s fight against Nemesis. Rather than gathering relics from the past, Aloy could track down advanced technology that enhances her combat abilities or provides strategic advantages. By shifting toward more purposeful side quests, the game could highlight the seriousness of Nemesis' threat while emphasizing Aloy’s need to remain focused on preparation.

Moving away from traditional collectibles could be a smart change if executed thoughtfully. Replacing them with more meaningful activities, such as discovering Cauldrons or hunting for top-tier armor and weapons, could elevate the gameplay experience. While players eagerly await more details about Horizon 3, including its release date, the anticipation continues to build for how Guerrilla Games will evolve this beloved franchise.

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