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A Controversial Destiny 2 Feature Might Revitalize Helldivers 2

Published:2024-09-04 16:54:51Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

Though Helldivers 2 received a warm reception at its February 2024 launch, the game has recently faced challenges. The player base has been dwindling, and negative reviews are mounting due to backlash from recent updates. In this climate, a touch of positivity could be just what the game needs to turn things around.

One way to inject some much-needed enthusiasm into Helldivers 2 is by adopting a feature from Destiny 2 that, despite its initial controversy, could offer significant benefits. This feature is the post-match commendation system, which, if implemented thoughtfully, could have a transformative effect on Helldivers 2.

A Controversial Destiny 2 Feature Might Revitalize Helldivers 2

The Potential of a Post-Mission Commendation System in Helldivers 2

When Destiny 2 first introduced commendations, the reaction was mixed. What was intended as a way to receive compliments from teammates after completing challenging content became a contentious element of the game's meta-progression system. Players found it frustrating to rely on others' commendations to advance in the Guardian Ranks. Although Destiny 2 has since toned down the impact of commendations on progression, the system remains divisive.

For Helldivers 2, a commendation system could be a valuable addition if implemented as an optional feature rather than a core part of progression. Learning from Destiny 2's missteps, Helldivers 2 should ensure that commendations are a bonus rather than a necessity for advancement. This approach could help avoid the pitfalls experienced by Destiny 2 and provide a positive boost to player engagement.

A Controversial Destiny 2 Feature Might Revitalize Helldivers 2

How Commendations Could Boost Helldivers 2's Community Spirit

Incorporating a commendation system in Helldivers 2 could enhance the experience by allowing players to recognize teammates for various achievements. Commendations could highlight notable performances, such as:

- Top Marksman

- Objective Master

- Team Player Extraordinaire

Additionally, embracing some of the community's humor, Helldivers 2 could include playful commendations like:

- Best Dressed

- C-01 Permit Owner

- Definitely A Clone

- Hot-Dropper

- Hugdiver

- John Helldiver’s Alt Account

- Most Likely to Commit Treason

- Sample Goblin

A Controversial Destiny 2 Feature Might Revitalize Helldivers 2

Although Helldivers 2 currently lacks an in-game social platform to showcase these commendations, it would be intriguing for players to see which accolades they have accumulated, alongside existing stats like kills and deaths. Until such a feature is added, players can still compare their achievements on their Super Destroyer ships between missions.

With the game at a crucial juncture following the Escalation of Freedom update, now is an opportune moment to test this team-building feature. Implementing commendations could not only improve morale but also serve as a lasting enhancement to the game.

While it may not address all of the community’s immediate concerns, a well-executed commendation system could foster a stronger sense of camaraderie and revitalization within the Helldivers 2 community.

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