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Marvel Rivals: An Expansive Roster of Over 9,000 Heroes Awaits

Published:2024-09-02 09:25:25Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

In Marvel Rivals, the upcoming 6v6 Hero Shooter from NetEase Games and Marvel Games, superheroes are undeniably the main attraction. Even though the game has already revealed a diverse lineup of 25 heroes, the question on everyone's mind is: which characters will be added next? While the development team aims to include a wide range of characters, it seems that virtually any character from the vast Marvel universe could make an appearance.

"No character is off limits," said Danny Koo, the executive producer of Marvel Rivals, during an interview with VG247 at Gamescom 2024. "We choose characters who are visually appealing, fun to play, and who contribute positively to the roster for various reasons."

Marvel Rivals: An Expansive Roster of Over 9,000 Heroes Awaits

The game's narrative designers, who are passionate Marvel fans themselves, often suggest new characters. "Our discussions focus on how each character is unique and how they fit into the existing roster. We collaboratively select the ones that stand out the most," Koo added.

Marvel Rivals is not hesitant to spotlight lesser-known characters from the Marvel universe, as seen with the inclusion of X-Men's Magik, Jeff the Land Shark, and Spider-Verse mech pilot Peni Parker, alongside iconic figures like Loki and Magneto.

"When developing the roster, about 70-75% are well-known, fan-favorite characters," Koo explained. "The remaining slots are filled with unexpected choices and deep cuts—characters that might be unfamiliar unless you’re a dedicated comic reader."

Koo emphasized that the core consideration is whether a character is distinct and how they can synergize with others. "With over 9,000 characters to choose from, it's a great position to be in, but it requires careful thought about who fits best in terms of character identity, how they align with the world of Marvel Rivals, and their role in the game's lore."

Marvel Rivals: An Expansive Roster of Over 9,000 Heroes Awaits

However, accurately representing each character's powers and personality is crucial. Simply including obscure characters won't impress long-time Marvel fans if they don't feel true to their comic book origins. To ensure authenticity, Marvel Rivals aims to integrate a character's personality into their combat mechanics.

"We have a design philosophy that begins with a central concept for each character, which we then expand upon," said Zhiyong Feng, the combat designer for Marvel Rivals.

"For instance, with our latest heroes, Captain America and the Winter Soldier, we wanted to capture their essence. Captain America has high mobility, allowing him to dash into combat and retreat for resupply, embodying his iconic catchphrase, 'I can do this all day.' His shield is designed to reflect projectiles, which enhances team cooperation, and his ultimate ability showcases his leadership by leading the team in a charge."

"With the Winter Soldier, while he's known for his use of firearms, we wanted to differentiate him from characters like the Punisher. Whereas the Punisher uses a variety of weapons, the Winter Soldier utilizes his mechanical arm for trapping enemies and features unique tentacle abilities to distinguish his combat style."

Marvel Rivals: An Expansive Roster of Over 9,000 Heroes Awaits

Marvel Rivals is set to launch on December 6, 2024, and will be available as a free-to-play game on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Early feedback has been mixed, with some players praising its 6v6 combat as reminiscent of the best moments from Overwatch, while others are concerned about a lack of originality.

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