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Ghost of Yotei: 5 Confirmed Changes from Ghost of Tsushima

Published:2024-09-26 16:40:05Source:JuxiaAuthor:Juxia

Ghost of Yotei, the highly anticipated sequel to Ghost of Tsushima, stole the spotlight at the recent State of Play event. While many fans expected the return of Jin Sakai, Sucker Punch Productions surprised everyone by shifting the focus to a new protagonist and setting. Departing from Jin’s story, the developers have embraced a fresh direction, introducing a female lead and a new region. This change opens up exciting possibilities for the Ghost series, allowing it to explore different time periods and perspectives, much like the Assassin’s Creed franchise.

Although Ghost of Yotei is slated for release in 2025 and details are still sparse, the reveal trailer offered a glimpse of what’s to come. Here are five significant changes confirmed for Ghost of Yotei that promise to make it both familiar and new for fans.

1. A New Protagonist

Ghost of Yotei: 5 Confirmed Changes from Ghost of Tsushima

Jin Sakai captured the hearts of players in Ghost of Tsushima, so the decision to move on from his story was unexpected. However, Sucker Punch has explained that the core theme of the series revolves around a wandering warrior in Feudal Japan, which allows for new characters with each installment.

In Ghost of Yotei, players will step into the shoes of Atsu, a female warrior pursued by ronin for reasons yet to be revealed. While not much is known about her backstory, Atsu already appears to be a skilled katana master. With the studio’s track record of creating memorable characters, expectations are high that Atsu will bring a new depth to the series.

2. A New Region in Japan

Ghost of Yotei: 5 Confirmed Changes from Ghost of Tsushima

Before the reveal, many fans speculated that Ghost of Tsushima 2 would revisit the islands of Tsushima and Iki. However, the developers have opted for a fresh location—Mount Yōtei and the surrounding lands, situated in Ezo (modern-day Hokkaido).

Though the full scale of the map remains a mystery, it’s expected to be as vast and breathtaking as the territories in Ghost of Tsushima. The reveal trailer showed off the diverse landscapes, from snow-capped mountains to dense forests and lively settlements. The towering presence of Mount Yōtei will dominate the horizon as players explore the new region.

3. A New Time Period

Ghost of Yotei: 5 Confirmed Changes from Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost of Yotei shifts the timeline forward by over 300 years, taking place in 1603, during the early Edo period. This era, also known as the Tokugawa period, marked the final chapter of traditional Feudal Japan.

While Ghost of Tsushima highlighted the Mongol invasion of 1274, this new setting introduces a different historical backdrop. The trailer revealed a shift in tone, with a strong influence of Western-inspired elements and a more personal journey for the protagonist. While it’s unlikely that any characters from the original game will reappear, the legacy of the Ghost may still echo through the legends told in the sequel.

4. New Weaponry

Ghost of Yotei: 5 Confirmed Changes from Ghost of Tsushima

Given the more advanced time period, Ghost of Yotei introduces a range of new weaponry. Where Jin primarily relied on his katana and tanto, Atsu is shown using dual katanas and even matchlock muskets in place of traditional bows. Additionally, the reveal footage featured Atsu wielding a kusarigama—a deadly combination of a sickle (kama) and a chain (kusari)—in spectacular combat sequences.

The swordplay in Ghost of Tsushima was a highlight of the game, and it looks like Ghost of Yotei will build on that foundation, offering even more variety in combat. Players can look forward to mastering these new weapons, upgrading them, and using them to take on enemies in fresh and exciting ways.

5. A New Musical Instrument

Ghost of Yotei: 5 Confirmed Changes from Ghost of Tsushima

A notable shift in Ghost of Yotei is the replacement of Jin’s shakuhachi flute with Atsu’s shamisen—a traditional Japanese stringed instrument. In Ghost of Tsushima, the flute was used to change the weather and play calming tunes, and it’s likely the shamisen will serve a similar function.

The trailer shows Atsu carrying the shamisen on her back throughout her journey, a detail that sparked mixed reactions from fans. While it’s unclear if players will have the option to hide the instrument, its larger size suggests it will remain visible throughout the game. The inclusion of the shamisen reflects the game’s mood and the Western-inspired atmosphere, adding a fresh layer to the musical elements that enriched Ghost of Tsushima.

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