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Exclusive Discounts: Akademika offers every 5th book at half price, providing customers with significant savings on their favorite reads.
Weekly Offers: Stay updated with new offers in the app every week, ensuring you never miss out on great deals on a wide range of books.
Partner Offers: Receive offers and relevant information from Akademika's partners, expanding your savings and shopping opportunities.
Gift Vouchers: Unlock the possibility to receive gift vouchers, making your book purchases even more affordable.
How often are new offers available in the app?
Answer: New offers are updated every week, providing customers with fresh discounts and promotions regularly.
Are there any restrictions on the discount for every 5th book?
Answer: The discount does not apply to new Norwegian books according to bokavtalen or single books at reduced prices with a maximum discount of 400 kr.
How can I receive gift vouchers through the app?
Answer: Gift vouchers can be obtained through specific promotions and offers within the app, so make sure to check regularly for opportunities to receive them.
Akademika offers a great way to save money on books, stay informed about new deals, and receive special offers and vouchers. Download now to take advantage of all these great features!
File size: 7.20 M Latest Version: 2.2.3
Requirements: Android Language: English
Votes: 213 Package ID: no.forlagshuset.akademika
Developer: Forlagshuset Vigmostad & Bjørke AS
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